Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported Linux
Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported. Installed the following libraries on linux box and then installed fileagent and Secure+.
Mode Not Supported Samsung Tv
User Interface Mode Windows 10
Linux Red Hat 64-bit is not a supported environment for IBM SPSS Statistics 21 client. We are a 32-bit application and thus need the 32-bit version of libstdc and other standard libraries for the OS. For Debian, there is the relatively simple workaround of installing the ia32-libs package. For RedHat it is more difficult to locate and determine which compatibility library packages are needed.
This is documented in the pre-requisites for installation - see 'IBM SPSS Statistics for Linux Installation Instructions (Single User).' Under System Requirements for IBM SPSS Statistics, we note the minimum hardware and software requirements for operating system: SPSS Statistics was tested on and is supported on only Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6 and Debian 6. We do not expect any problems with distributions derived from Red Hat and Debian, but we do not test or support them. If you install on 64-bit Linux (which is not officially supported), you will also need to install ia32-libs from your distribution’s repository. For any additional requirements, please see the Release Notes. Related information.