Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported Linux

Posted on admin
  1. Mode Not Supported Samsung Tv
  2. User Interface Mode Windows 10

Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported. Installed the following libraries on linux box and then installed fileagent and Secure+.

Mode Not Supported Samsung Tv

Monitor mode not supported

User Interface Mode Windows 10


Linux Red Hat 64-bit is not a supported environment for IBM SPSS Statistics 21 client. We are a 32-bit application and thus need the 32-bit version of libstdc and other standard libraries for the OS. For Debian, there is the relatively simple workaround of installing the ia32-libs package. For RedHat it is more difficult to locate and determine which compatibility library packages are needed.


This is documented in the pre-requisites for installation - see 'IBM SPSS Statistics for Linux Installation Instructions (Single User).' Under System Requirements for IBM SPSS Statistics, we note the minimum hardware and software requirements for operating system: SPSS Statistics was tested on and is supported on only Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6 and Debian 6. We do not expect any problems with distributions derived from Red Hat and Debian, but we do not test or support them. If you install on 64-bit Linux (which is not officially supported), you will also need to install ia32-libs from your distribution’s repository. For any additional requirements, please see the Release Notes. Related information.