Luger Serial Numbers Dwm

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  1. Luger Serial Numbers By Year

I just got this Luger from my grandfather. He was a US Army Staff Sargent in the 702d BSB, 2nd ID. He landed on Omaha D+3. For a long time I have known about this Luger. I finally have it in my possession. My grandmother is anti-gun and sold off a lot of other C&R firearms my grandfather had from the war and inheritances. This gun has not been fired since WWII.

I have all the photos on my own photo hosting site From what I have read: -Its a Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken (DWM) -Serial is 2507 all the numbers match, even on the mag.Couple proof marks hard to see in the photos, one on the barrel and one on I believe the front link -41 is stamped above the barrel, no idea what this means.Any estimate on value? THIS LUGER IS NOT FOR SALE. Its part of my families history. Now if only my grandfathers brother would give back his 1911 from WWII. Why would the fact that it is a 'capture' have any affect on it being mismatched? The gun was reworked in 1941, prior to 'capture'.

Dwm commercial luger serial numbers and dates

Probably not a 'capture' anyway.these things sat in piles after the war, GI's would just walk by and pick one out. Thanks for the info guys. Yeah my grandpa told me stories of guys shipping home German and American guns, Deutsch Marks, souvenirs, etc. If it wasn't bolted down they found a way to take it. I told him he should have packed up and sent home a BAR.

P08 luger serial numbers

He started laughing, yeah right! IMO The problem with the markings on this luger are the 'DWM' with 41 on the barrel. The WWII period lugers would not have the DWM on them. Looking closely at the wonderful matching '2507' serial number is an 'i' block stamp, each block representing 9999 pistols. I do not recall any WWII German factory '41' armorer stamps to indicate an armorer replacement barrel.

Luger Serial Numbers By Year

I received a reply on this same post at lugerforum. The 41 is an indication of a Mauser barrel refit during the year of '41. Regardless, its still has value more than money. I may just shoot it one day, after I have it checked by a gunsmith. I know nothing about these guns. Mauser purchased DWM's Luger manufacturing machinery in 1929 and eliminated the DWM monogram. Your toggle and frame is from that era the barrel and smaller parts were replaced at the Mauser factory prior to 1942.

The main serial number is to be found on the frame, in front of and below the barrel. On WWI-era German pistols, it will be 4 digits followed by a cursive letter suffix (indicating which run the pistol belonged to, starting with 'a'). You have a great piece of history in your hands and I'm happy you got that from your Grampa's momentos.

  • Does anyone know what year and ballpark value a luger dwm. It is marked dwm on the toggle serial number is 293x with a. I've got a 1940 DWM Luger myself in.
  • Jan 24, 2012 I have just acquired a DWM Luger with Crown N markings, serial number 81373. There is no date stamped on it anywhere and no.

Jun 04, 2008 -Its a Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken (DWM)-Serial is 2507 all the numbers match, even on the mag.-Couple proof marks hard to see in the photos, one on the barrel and one on I believe the front link -41 is stamped above the barrel, no idea what this means. Year of mfg?-Any estimate on value? THIS LUGER IS NOT FOR.