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Full text of ' This Wolume is for REFERENCE USE ONLY. ^ MASTERPIECES OF RELIGIOUS VERSE MASTERPIECES RELIGIOUS VERSE EDITED BY JAMES DALTON MORRISON HARPER 6f BROTHERS PUBLISHERS NEW YORK AND LONDON 'MASTERPIECES OF RELIGIOUS VERSE COPYRIGHT, 1948, BY HARPFR & BROTHERS PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FIRST EDITION H - X Special acknowledgment is made to the following, who have granted permission for the reprinting of copyrighted material from the books and periodicals listed below (see also pp 699-701) ABINGDON-COK.ESBURY PRESS for 'Christmas Prayer,' 'I Will Not Hurry' from / Have A Stewardship by Ralph S. CuUiman, copyright, 1930, by Abingdon- Cokesbury Press; 'The Secret' from Spiritual Hilltop. by Ralph S Cushman, copyright, 1932, by Abmgdon- Cokesbury Press, 'The Parson's Pravu' from Prac- ticing the Presence by Ralph S. Cushrnan, copyright, 1936, by Abmgdon-Cokcsbury Press, ' I he Agonv of God,' 'Swinging toward the Light' horn The G/urv of God by Georgia Harkness, copyright, 1041, by Abintr- don-Cokesbury Press; 'Only a I lower,' 'Penniless/' 'Day's End,' 'Sculptor of the Soul,' 'The Bui den' from Songs jrom the Slums by 'Joyohiko Kagawa, copyright,' 1935, by Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 'The Challenge' from Poems for the Gnat Days by Thomas Curtis Clark, copyright, 1948, In Stont, & Pierce.
Used by permission of the publisher, Abmgdon- Cokesbury Press. ^ ASSOCIATION PRFSS for 'A Pra u foi PL act from The Quiet Hour bv William Adams Brown, copyright, 1926, by Association Prc ss, 'O God Ofr Light,' 'Prayer at Eventide' by R B Y Scott THOMAS An EN, LID.
For 'In Mandcrs Now from Beside Still Waters by Idna Jaquts, copyright, 1939, by Thomas Allen, Ltd. WALTER H BAKER Co for ' I he Christ of the World's Highway,' 'God's Wa' h Dorothy Clarke Wilson from Twelve Months of Drama bv Dorothy Clarke Wilson, copyright, 19^3, bv Waltu H Baker Co. A S BARNES & COMPANY, INC for 'Eccc Homo' by- John Ackcrson from Rtvulk, copyright, 194.13 by A S Barnes & Company, Inc THE BEACON PRFSS for '0 Beautiful My Country' by Frederick Luci.m from Hymns of the 8ptnt, 'All Beautiful the March of IXns' by Frances Whitemarsh Wile from Hymns of the Spirit, 'Almighty Builder, Bless We Pray' h Edward A Church from Hymn and Tune Book, 'O I ord of Life, Thy Kingdom Is at Hand' by Marion Franklin Ham from Hymns of the Sptitt and Songs of Paith and Hope. THE BoBBs-MrRRiLL COMPANY for 'Childhood,' 'The Shepherd Speaks' from Collected Poems 1907-19^ by John Erskine, copyright, 1922, 1934, used by special permission of the publisher and author, selec- tions by James Whitcomb RUey from Complete Works of James H hitcomb Rtley, published by Bobbs-Mcrrill Company. BOOSEY AND HAWKES INC for excerpt from 'Lincoln Portrait' by Aaron Copland, copyright, 1943, m U.S A by Hawkes and Son, Inc, London, Ltd. BRANDT & BRANDT for 'To Jesus on His Birthday' from The Ruck in the Snow & Other Poems by Edn.i St. Vincent Millay, published by Harper & Brothers, copyright, 1928, by Edna St Vincent Millay; selection from 'Renascence' from Renascence and Other Poems by Edna St.
Vincent Millay, published by Harper & Brothers, copyright, 1912, 1940, by Edna St Vincent Millay. BRE FHREN PUBLISHING HOUSE for 'The Greater Glory' from The Touch of the Master's Hand by Myra Brooks Welch BURNS, OATES & WASHBOURNE, LTD., for 'Lo, I Am with You Always/' 'Onward and Upward,' 'Seeking and Finding God' by John Charles farle; 'The Newer Vainglory/' 'Via, Et Veritas, Et Vita,' 'Mother,' 'I Am the Way,' 'A Song of Derivations' by Alice Mendl, for selections by Francis Thompson (selections of Alice Mtyncll and Francis Thompson also by permission of Mr.
Wilfred Mevneil executor) CHAITO & WINDUS for 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' by Wilfred Owen CHRISTY & MOORT, LTD. For selection from 'The Gate of the Ytar' by M Louise Raskins. THE CLARFNUUN PRESS for selections from The Testa- ment of Beauty bv Robert Bridges, 'At Eventide' from The Yattendo'n 1/vmnat edited by Robert Brielges and H Llhs Woolrufge, 'Thanksgiving Day' by Robert Budges CLARK & SIUART Co LTD for 'Crucifixion,' 'Dawn,' and selection from 'Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' b^ Frederick George Scott. W B CONKFY COMPANY for 'Love Thyself Last,' 'Leancis or Lifters,' 'A Morning Prayei' from Poems of Power by Ma Wheeler Wilcox, 'The Beyond/' 'The Goal,' 'Faith,' 'Gethscmane/' 'The Winds of Fare' by Ella Whet ler Wilcox CowARD-MeCANN INC for selection from 'The White CliftV' by Alice Duer Miller, copyright, 1940, by Alice Duer Miller CUF.IIS BROWN LTD. For 'A Prayei' from Poems IQ02-IQK) by John Dnnkwater, copyright, 1919, by John Drmkwattr, published by Houghton Mifflm Company, 'To and Fro about the City' from Seeds of Time by John Drmkwatcr, copyright, 1922, by John Drmkwater, published by Houghton Mifflm Company.
Reprinted by permission of the author's estate. D APPLE ION-CENTURY COMPANY, INC.
For 'Create Great Peace' from ffar and Laughter by James Oppcn- heim. THE JOHN DAY COMPANY foi 'Prologue to Morning,' 'Starry Night' from Combat at Midnight by Hermann Hagedorn PURD E. Dtirz for 'We Would Be Building/' copy- right, 1936, by Purd E Deit7. DODD, MLAD & COMPANY INC Reprinted by permis- sion of Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc. 'Daisies,' 'Hem and Haw,' 'Lord of the Far Horizons,' 'Vem Creator,' 'Vestigia,' 'Where Is Heaven' from $/m Carman Poems (also permission McClelland & Stewart Ltd, Toronto, Canada), 'A Hymn,' 'A Warrior's Prayer,' 'He Had His Dream,' 'The Debt,' 'Conscience and Remorse,' 'When All Is Done/' 'The Master Player' from The Complete Poems of Paul Lawence Dunbar, 'Communion,' 'Evolution,' 'Holy Saturday,' 'Out of Bounds,' 'The Light of Bethlehem,' 'The Sisters' from The Poetry of Father Tabb 'The House of Christ- mas' from Collected Poems of G.
Chesterton, 'For a Materialist' from The Slender Singing Tree by Adelaide Love, copyright, 1933, by Adelaide Love; 'Soldier, What Did You See/' 'A Journey Ends' from Pilot Bails Out by Don Blandmg, copyright, 1943, by Don Blandmg; 'Carry On' from The Complete Poems Clark Thorson. Reprinted - from -Ff 'ward? -Bublwhed and copyright, 1947, W.L.Jeikupf,. ETHEL ROMIG FULLER 4ard Kipling, copyright, 190^, 1906, by Rudyard Kiplmg. The selections by Rudyard Kiplmg are reprinted by permission also of Mr. Kipling's daughter, Mrs.
George Bambridge, and the Macmillan Company of Canada Ltd Arrangements made through A P Watt and Son Ltd, authorized representatives E P. DUTTON & Co, INC for 'That Holy Thing,' 'Obedience,' 'Lost and Found' from Poems by George Macdonald, 'Creeds' from Lanterns In Gethiemane by Willard Wattles, copyright, 1918, by E. Dutton & Co, Inc, 'America the Beautiful' from Poems by Kath irme Lee Bates, 'Broken Bodies' fiom Prophet and I ool by Louib Goldmg, copyright, J 92j, by E P Dutton & Co, Inc, 'The Spires of Oxford' from The Spin. of O furd by Winifred Letts, copyright, 1917, by L. Dutton & Co., Inc., renewed, 1945, 'Hills,' 'House Blessing,' 'Education,' 'In the Hospital' from Death and General Putnam and lor Other Poems by Arthur GUI term an, copyright, 193^, by E.
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Pinkish Black Razed To The Ground Review
Dutton & Co, Inc; ' 1 hcophanies,' 'Im- manence' by Evelyn Underbill, published in the United States by E P Dutton & Co., Inc, 'The Donkey,' selection from 'The Wild Knight,' 'A Christmas Carol' from The Wild Knight and Other Poems b Gilbert K Chesterton, published in the United States by F P. Dutton & Co, Inc, published m England by J M Dent & Co Ltd; selection from The Church and the Hour by Vida D.
Scudder, copyright, 1917, 1945, bv E. Dutton & Co., Inc. THE ErwoRTH PRESS for 'The Cup of Happiness' by Gilbert Thomas. EvANorucAL PUBLISHERS for 'Christ and We,' 'What God Hath Promised' by Annie Johnson Flint. FARRAR, SIRAUS AND COMPANY, INC for 'Easter Eve' by James Branch Cabell, copyright, 1916, 1943, by James Branch Cabell A FIANAGAN COMPANY for 'A Christmas Song' by Florence Evelyn Dratt from The Golden Christmas Book. THE FORTUNE PRESS for 'Poem for Combatants' by Alan White from Poets in Battledress. FORWARD and the author for 'Progression' by Inez Sonnets, copyright, 1931; by Cthd'Romiz Fuller.
AND WAGNALLS COMPANY for '.Life and Death' from Swords and Plowshares by Ernesj'.Cfo'sHy. GARDEN CITY PUBLISHING Co.
For 'Pnayr'qffan Unem- ployed Man' by W. Ackerly, 'Together' by Ludwig Lewisohn from Poems That Touch the Heart compiled by A L Alexander, copyright, 1941, by Garden City Publishing Co. THE GIFT LOFT for 'Overheard in an Orchard' by Elizabeth Cheney (also permission of Mrs. Elizabeth Cheney). GRAY ^COMPANY, INC. For 'How Burn the Stars Unchanging' by John J. HARCOURT, BRACE AND COMPANY, INC.
For 'Prayer,' 'Caliban in the Coal Mines' from Challenge by Louis Untermeyer, copyright, 1914, by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.; 'Prayer for This House' by Louis Untermeyer from This Stnging World, edited by Louis Untermeyer, copyright, 1923, by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc, 'The Factories,' 'Search,' 'The Watcher' from Collected Poems of Margaret Wtddemer, copyright, 1928, by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc; selection from 'Ode Written during the Battle of Dunkirk' from A World within a War by Herbert Read, copyright, 1945, by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc. (also permission of Faber and Faber, Ltd ), 'When the Church Is No Longer Regarded,' 'Men Who Turn from God,' 'Knowledge without Wisdom' from The Rock by T. Eliot, copyright, 1934, by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.; 'There Shall Always Be the Church' by T S.
Eliot; 'A Song for Simeon' from Collected Poems 1909-1035 by T. S Hiot, copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc. (also permission of Faber and Fabcr Ltd.), 'From the People, Yes,' 'The Best Preacher Is the Heart' from The People, Yes, by Carl Sandburg, copyright, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc. HARPER & BROTHERS for 'So Long As There Are Homes' from Light of the Years by Grace Noll Crowell, Copyright, 1936, by Harper & Brothers, selection from 'Tibetan Comforter' from Tibetan Voices by Robert K. Ekvall, copyright, 1946, by Robert K. Ekvall, 'We Met Them on the Common Way' by Elizabeth C.
Cardozo; 'I Thank Thee, Lord, for Strength of Arms' by Robert Davis; 'God of the Nations' by W. Russell Bowie from Social Hymns of Brotherhood and Aspiration edited by Mabel Hay Barrows Mussey, copyright, 1914, 1942, by Harper & Brothers; 'The Holy City' by W. Russell Bowie, 'The Master's^ Man' by William G.
This album is graded VG. It has slight surface noise but does not affect play. Runout has date 05/28/58. Side A song 'Alma De Munjer' has a noticeable tic sound. Side B first and second songs 'Cachito' noticeable tic sound but song still plays. 'Vereda Tropical' has a noticeable tic 1/4 way into song only.
The cover to this album is G, rice paper sleeve still enclosed. This album also comes with photos of Leo Rosa and a hand written note that cannot be confirmed if it was written by Leo Rosa. It is an interesting document non the less.
It starts off as an introduction addressed To Whom it May Concern, with an introduction of Leo Rosa. It appears to be a draft. Drive Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - 2x LP 12' Pink Coloured Vinyl - Cliff Martinez - New & Sealed This auction is for a new and sealed Drive Original Soundtrack on Vinyl. This is a 12' 2x LP. This is the Pink Vinyl Limited Edition which has long sold out. Release on 4th June 2012 to the UK market.
Release by Invada Records. Item is new and sealed without any damage. Postage is £3.95 and will be sent Second Class Signed For. PLEASE NOTE - THIS AUCTION HAS BEEN FAIRLY AND ACCURATELY DESCRIBED. THEREFORE NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED.